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What is Linux.(लिनक्स क्या है ?)

What Is Linux( लिनक्स क्या है ?)

In the simple language Linux(लिनक्स ) is an operating system (OS). 

लिनक्स एक बेसिक ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम है ये बिलकुल विंडोज ,एप्पल , मैक  की तरह ही होता है | 

We all are familiar with other operating systems like Microsoft windows, Apple Mac OS, iOS, Google android, etc, just like them linux is also an operating system.

An operating system is a software that enables communication between computer hardware and software.

 It conveys input to get processed by the processor and brings output to the hardware to display it.

 This is the basic function of an operating system. Although, it performs many other important tasks, let's not talk about that.

Linux is around us since mid 90s. It can be used from wristwatches to supercomputers. 

It is everywhere in our phones, laptops, PCs, cars and even in refrigerators.

It is very much famous among the developers and normal computer users.

figure :1

Linux operating system
Figure : 2

Structure Of Linux Operating System

An operating system is a collection of software, each designed for a specific function.

Linux OS has following components:

1) Kernel

kernel is the core of the operating system. It establishes communication between devices and software. Moreover, it manages the system resources. Basically it has four responsibilities:

Figure :3 
  • device management: (डिवाइस मैनेजमेंट )A system has many devices connected to it like CPU, memory device, sound cards, graphic cards, etc. 

  •  A kernel stores all the data related to all the devices in device driver (without this kernel won't be able to control the devices). Thus kernel knows what a device can do and how to manipulate it to bring out the best performance. It also manages communication between all the devices. Kernel has certain rules that has to be followed by all the devices.

  • Memory management: ( मेमोरी मैनेजमेंट )Another function that kernel has to manage is the memory management.
  •  Kernel keeps a track of used and unused memory and make sure that processes shouldn't manipulate data of each other using virtual memory address.

  • Process management: (प्रोसेस मैनेजमेंट )In process management kernel assign enough time and gives priorities to processes before handling CPU to other process. It also deals with security and ownership information.

  • Handling system calls:(हैंडलिंग सिस्टम कॉल्स ) Handling system calls means a programmer can write a query or ask the kernel to perform a task.


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