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Showing posts from July, 2020

Data Representation( Number System)

 Class 9 (Data Representations) Number Systems The language we use to communicate with each other is comprised of words and characters. We understand numbers, characters and words . But this type of data is not suitable for computers. Computers only understand the numbers. So, when we enter data, the data is converted into electronic pulse. Each pulse is identified as code and the code is converted into numeric format by ASCII. It gives each number, character and symbol a numeric value (number) that a computer understands.  So to understand the language of computers, one must be familiar with the number systems. The Number Systems used in computers are: Binary number system Octal number system Decimal number system Hexadecimal number system Binary number system (Base:2) It has only two digits '0' and '1' so its base is 2. Accordingly, In this number system, there are only two types of electronic pulses; absence of ele

Class 9th (Operating System) ;

        Class 9th ( Concept of Operating System )                  Onkareshwar Saraswati Vidya Niketan Inter College ,Jawahar Nagar Kanpur                    Dear Students,              Operating System As the name suggests, an operating system is a type of software without which you cannot operate or run a computer.  It acts as an intermediary or translation system between computer hardware and application programs installed on the computer.  In other words, you cannot directly use computer programs with computer hardware without having a medium to establish a connection between them. Besides this, it is also an intermediary between the computer user and the  computer hardware  as it provides a standard user interface that you see on your computer screen after you switch on your computer. For example, the Windows and the Mac OS are also operating systems that provide a graphical interface with icons and pictures to enable users to access multiple files